runtime.guintptr.ptr (method)
44 uses
runtime (current package)
debugcall.go#L162: newg := gp.schedlink.ptr()
debugcall.go#L212: callingG := gp.schedlink.ptr()
mgcmark.go#L305: for gp := list.head.ptr(); gp != nil; gp = gp.schedlink.ptr() {
mgcmark.go#L646: oldList.tail.ptr().schedlink.set(nil)
mgcpacer.go#L809: gp :=
proc.go#L2770: if gp.m.lockedg == 0 || gp.m.lockedg.ptr().lockedm.ptr() != gp.m {
proc.go#L2781: status := readgstatus(gp.m.lockedg.ptr())
proc.go#L2784: dumpgstatus(gp.m.lockedg.ptr())
proc.go#L3025: gp :=
proc.go#L3428: return pp,
proc.go#L3482: for gp := glist.head.ptr(); gp != nil; gp = gp.schedlink.ptr() {
proc.go#L3489: head := glist.head.ptr()
proc.go#L3492: for gp := head; gp != nil; gp = gp.schedlink.ptr() {
proc.go#L3562: execute(mp.lockedg.ptr(), false) // Never returns.
proc.go#L4961: u.initAt(mp.libcallpc, mp.libcallsp, 0, mp.libcallg.ptr(), unwindSilentErrors)
proc.go#L5100: gp := pp.runq[pp.runqtail%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
proc.go#L5105: globrunqputhead(pp.runnext.ptr())
proc.go#L5858: if lockedg := mp.lockedg.ptr(); lockedg != nil {
proc.go#L6214: gp = oldnext.ptr()
proc.go#L6244: batch[i] = pp.runq[(h+i)%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
proc.go#L6318: return next.ptr(), true
proc.go#L6327: gp := pp.runq[h%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
proc.go#L6339: drainQ.pushBack(oldNext.ptr())
proc.go#L6366: gp := pp.runq[(h+i)%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
proc.go#L6439: gp := pp.runq[(t+n)%uint32(len(pp.runq))].ptr()
proc.go#L6476: q.tail.ptr().schedlink.set(gp)
proc.go#L6489: q2.tail.ptr().schedlink = 0
proc.go#L6491: q.tail.ptr().schedlink = q2.head
proc.go#L6501: gp := q.head.ptr()
proc.go#L6538: q.tail.ptr().schedlink = l.head
proc.go#L6545: gp := l.head.ptr()
runtime2.go#L265: func (gp guintptr) ptr() *g { return (*g)(unsafe.Pointer(gp)) }
stack.go#L969: if thisg.m.morebuf.g.ptr().stackguard0 == stackFork {
stack.go#L972: if thisg.m.morebuf.g.ptr() != thisg.m.curg {
stack.go#L975: traceback(morebuf.pc, morebuf.sp,, morebuf.g.ptr())
traceback.go#L256: gp := u.g.ptr()
traceback.go#L448: gp := u.g.ptr()
traceback.go#L567: gp := u.g.ptr()
traceback.go#L605: ctxt := u.g.ptr().cgoCtxt[u.cgoCtxt]
traceback.go#L837: traceback1(gp.m.libcallpc, gp.m.libcallsp, 0, gp.m.libcallg.ptr(), 0)
traceback.go#L984: gp := u.g.ptr()
traceback.go#L1125: if mp.throwing >= throwTypeRuntime && gp != nil && (gp == mp.curg || gp == mp.caughtsig.ptr()) {
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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